
Jewish American filmmaker Sarah Friedland slams Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

On the Saturday night when she was receiving the award at the Venice Film Festival, the film director Sarah Friedland, a Jewish American, deplored the Israeli attack on the Gaza strip, describing it as genocide, according to some media reports.

The director of the first film and winner of the Luigi de Laurentiis Prize award, Sarah Friedland, said the following words: For the record, I accept this award on the 336th day of genocide in Gaza and the 76th year of occupation.

Apart from the Horizons category Best First Film award, Friedland also received the Best Director award for her contribution to the Horizons. According to Maktoob Media, the best actress of Familiar Touch, Kathleen Chalfant, mentioned Israel’s attack on the Gaza Strip during her acceptance speech.

Specifically, both Sarah Friedland and Chalfant responded to the rule that filmmakers should not remain indifferent to injustice. “As filmmakers, it is our responsibility to change circulations in Israel using organizations where we work the impunity of Israel. I stand with Palestinians and their liberation struggle for that,” Friedland said.

In the event, several filmmakers stood up and said that they were for the Palestinians. The genocide conducted by Israel over Gaza has thus now gone to a whole year, noting that it all started on October 7, 2023. Despite several countries trying to mediate the conflict, there are no means of solving the conflict in the given case.

Over 2000 children have been killed, and as many as 11,103 women have been killed and about 13,000 men in the four-week war in Gaza that has rendered death to more than 40,000 civilians and over a hundred thousand injured. People, roads, and even houses were affected, and as stated in the report, through bombardment, eighty percent of structures in Gaza are now wrecked.

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