Palestine & Israel Conflict

“Jewish prophecies fever”… What is the story of red cows?

What is the story of the red cows? What is its relationship to the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation? What conditions do the Jewish books stipulate for their selection? Let us learn about the repercussions of these religious rituals in light of the rise of religious Zionism in Israel and the increasing pace of preparations to build the alleged temple from the occupation.

In his final speech, Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, stated that Israel’s red cows were ready, referring to a news item published last July that dealt with the import of the most extremist government into Israel. 5 Cows from the US state of Texas, marking the beginning of the process of building the Third Temple over the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in accordance with Biblical teachings.

Abu Ubaida’s talk about red cows came at a time when Israel is witnessing the peak of what we can call “the fever of biblical signs.” After the decade of the eighth decade, here is now the spokesman for the Palestinian resistance, drawing our attention to the news of Israel’s import of these cows from the United States, and the deep connection that is assumed. It is in the process of moving to begin construction of the Third Temple.

What is the story of the red cows? What is its relationship to the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation? What conditions do the Jewish books stipulate for their selection? What are the repercussions of these religious rituals in light of the rise of religious Zionism in Israel and the increasing pace of preparations to build the alleged temple of the occupation?

The origin of the story?

In both Judaism and evangelical Christianity, red cows appear in “end-time” tales. While the birth of the pure red cow and its sacrifice before the construction of the Third Temple in mainstream Orthodox Judaism, its appearance, according to the evangelical sect, heralds the end of time and the return of Christ to Earth.

For both groups, there are some requirements for that time to come, chief among them: the restoration of the State of Israel, for Jerusalem to become a Jewish city again – which Israel somewhat accomplished in 1967 – and for a red heifer to be born in the Land of Israel so that the Jews can establish their temple for the first time. 

This belief has long been the motivation for Christian Zionism and Christian pressure groups to help Jews fulfill this prophecy. The Jews claim that for more than 2,000 years, a red cow with these specifications has never been born, according to the British Mirror.

According to the Red Cow expert and Director of the Temple Institute, Rabbi Chaim Reichman: “There is a tradition that throughout history there were nine complete red cows used for purification, and that the appearance of the tenth red cow is linked to the coming of the Messianic era and the rebuilding of the Temple.”

Religious roots

Jewish law requires that the cow, which is called “Parah Adumah” in Hebrew, have pure red hair, not having even two hairs of any other color. She must also be born naturally and raised in the Land of Israel, in addition to not being pregnant or milked.

When the conditions are fulfilled and it reaches the age of two years, it becomes fit for use in the “purification” process on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem opposite the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as it is slaughtered and burned according to special conditions, and then its ashes mixed in pure water are used in the process of purifying the Jews and the place where the Temple will be built. Building and worshiping in the temple is not permitted by God without restoring ritual purity, and this can only be achieved by using the ashes of the red heifer.

According to Jewish tradition, the ashes of the Red Heifer are believed to have the power to purify individuals and even the Holy Land on which the Third Temple is expected to be built. These conditions were mentioned in the Book of Numbers, which is one of the holy books in the Jewish Torah, which prohibits Jews from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque except after achieving holy purity.

The mission of the Zionist rabbinate

The rarity of the red cow, coupled with the precise criteria it must meet in order to be considered suitable for use in this ritual, has led to an air of mystery surrounding the concept. In the last months before the Al-Aqsa Flood, news of the import of red cows from America to Israel sparked the imagination of many, especially within religious communities.

The red cow is considered central to predicting the “end of time”, so much so that the so-called “Temple Institute” has dedicated itself, since its establishment in 1987, to finding this cow. He went on to raise money to implant frozen embryos into the uterus of a cow raised in a local barn in an attempt to use biotechnology to fulfill Biblical prophecy in a program he called “Raising the Red Cow in Israel.”

The institute transferred the research to the US state of Texas, as it is a larger market for raising cows, and it receives donations from local Zionist groups with funding from evangelical Christians. The five best candidates were then selected and flown to Israel on September 15, 2022, and are being raised secretly on a farm belonging to the Temple Institute in Beit Shean, north of the Jordan Valley, according to Middle East Monitor.

While some view the red cow as “free from blemish,” the step that would pave the way for accelerating the demolition of Al-Aqsa Mosque and making way for the so-called temple, is what the ministers of the most extreme right-wing government in Israel’s history are waiting for in order to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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