
Muslim groups slam Michael Gove’s extremist speech

When Prime Minister Michael Gove announced the new definition of anti-government protests, the Muslim groups he named responded by saying the comments were “blasphemy” against “terrorists”. “MP Gove.

In his speech to MPs today, Gove addressed some British Muslim groups in Parliament, referring to the “opposition language” of the new government.

Cage International, Muslim Council of Britain, MEND, and Lewisham Mosque Imam Shakeel Begg were cited as examples of groups that do not meet the new definition.

Development Minister Michael Gove, in his speech to the Parliament, said that the groups mentioned will be “checked” to see if they meet the definition of “attack”.

Gove told the House of Commons: “Islamism is a blanket ideology that aims to divide, calls for an Islamic state governed by sharia law and seeks to destroy democratic freedoms”, adding: “Organisations such as the Muslim Association of Britain, the Muslim Brotherhood Other groups affiliated with, such as CAGE and MEND, have attracted attention for their Islamic leanings and views.

Muslim Organization and Development NGO (MEND) found a solution to the problem. Instead, the parliament is using its authority to speak abusively. “

In the full report, MEND director Azhar Qayum said: “If Michael Gove believes he can produce evidence to support his view that MEND is calling for the establishment of an Islamic state under sharia law.”

The comments also expand on Gove’s “history of Islamophobic views”.

– Gove himself has a long history of Islamophobic views and associations. He was a member of the Henry Jackson Society, which pushed the anti-Muslim agenda for years, and led the government in the Trojan Horse incident. The back of the letter contained the claim that some schools in Birmingham were “run by Islamists”. Later studies found no evidence of radicalization in schools. Given his own “extremist” identity, telling others that deciding who is or isn’t a terrorist is an example of hypocrisy seems to suggest that he is also a bad person. Your definition! –

Another organization called Gove, the Muslim Council of Britain, once again said that Gove was harming the rights of Muslims.

 If Gove is confident in the views of the British Muslim Association and other organizations that they pose a threat to the British people by expressing malicious views, we ask that he express these views outside the meeting. However, we know that he did not dare to do so due to fear of legal competition. “

MAB also said: “We agreed with the government’s statement that the protests should be redefined as a serious violation of civil liberties and that persuasive voices of antisemitism should be silenced.”

 A statement released by CAGE International promised that they would “consider all possible avenues” to challenge the government’s names if they were found to violate the new law.

— Today Secretary of State for Homes and Communities Michael Gove announced a new, expanded definition of dissent and called out specific groups. His announcement is a continuation of a long-term strategy to suppress and exploit Muslim fear and create a regime of dictatorship and repression that suppresses protests that Whitehall does not accept.

Together we will explore all ways, including legislation, to challenge the government’s control of democracy. “

The new definition of extremism is as follows:

– Propagation or promotion of religion based on violence, hatred, or intolerance for the following purposes: 

Denies or destroys the rights and freedoms of others; or

Undermining, overthrowing, or altering the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or Intentionally creating vacation space for others to achieve the results of Section

The previous definition, drawn up in 2011 under the Prevention of Anti-Semitism Act, defined sedition as “an attack on or opposition to the interests of the United Kingdom, including liberty, the rule of law, personal liberty and harmony and tolerance towards people of different religions”. and groups”. faith. –

The government said the new definition was “more comprehensive” and would help “clarify” that the attack was “proven”.

Unlike criminal groups, a lawsuit cannot be filed against registered organizations or individuals.

Instead, they will be banned from contacting the government and will not receive government funding.

 Other factors added to the Terrorist list are unclear, but some experts believe it could encourage banks or social media platforms to create sanctions.

Other groups or individuals that Gove has not yet named may also be investigated and added to the list.  4,444 pro-Palestinian groups are at risk of being branded as terrorists as the government condemns the ongoing Gaza march in London.

Mr Gove said: “Following the October 7 attacks it has become increasingly clear that the spread of extremism poses a real risk to the safety of our citizens and our freedom… It is the same for the far right.” Islamic extremists seek to separate Muslims from other nations and sow discord within Muslim communities. ” 

With the redefinition, a new unit, the Counter-Terrorism Center of Excellence, was created for the detection of so-called terrorist groups. 

Groups and individuals labeled as terrorists have the right to request reconsideration and submit evidence for review. Downing Street said the UK government will publish the list of organizations supported by the UK government’s new definition of terrorism in the coming weeks.

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