
Muslims lynched in India after shocking election results

This rather unpleasant phrase, “Eid means mourning,” does not become ironic for numerous Muslims in India after recent acts of violence. Post recent elections, there has been a rise in tension in the community; the mob has killed several Muslims. This increase in the rate of violence has caused the eruption of Eid celebrations, which is supposed to be a sign of happiness and unity.

This election was full of surprises, and the outcomes led to dissatisfaction among the supporters of the oppositional parties. For some factions of Malaysia’s population, the victory became a right to commit acts of violence towards minority groups, especially the Muslims. The lynchings are thus part of a disquieting trend of mob justice as a result of religious bigotry and politically charged tensions.

Here are some of the cases that have occurred in different states in India. Perhaps the worst incident would be when a youth, a follower of the Islamic faith, was killed by an angry mob that thought he had beef. Violent acts have been carried out on many occasions under such accusations, although there are laws and sanctions against them. His family, who are Muslims, were waiting for Eid and the celebration but were struck by this sad news.

For instance, there was a daylight killing of a Muslim man on allegations that he had stolen a motorcycle. Police presence was cited as inadequate, and they were said to have reached the scene when most of the fighting was almost over. Such occurrences provoke debate on the inability of police forces to safeguard members of marginalized groups. 

For the Muslim community, the usually joyful period has been changed into a time of grief and insecurity. Eid, a festival of joy, has turned into a festival of sorrows and anxieties, which makes people grieve rather than celebrate. Another effect is the manifestation of a psychological crisis in the community due to the fear of violence from a mob in connection with disturbances of daily life, including church life. 

Civil liberty organizations and members of various communities are now calling for a tough stand against acts of lynching and strengthening of laws to that effect. They have also urged that there should be an educational crusade for the general population to promote unity and togetherness. The judiciary system also needs to play its part in ensuring the delivery of justice to the victims and their families in as short a time as possible.

In the town of Medak in the southern state of Telangana, where Gandhi Congress has state governmental authority administrators in the Minhaj Ul Uloom, an educational institution of Islam, they purchased 40 oxen at the cost of 30000 for communal slaughtering of over seven hundred on account of Eid. They were wary: The BJP improved its parliamentary seat share in the state from 4 to 8, and the school’s leadership was undoubtedly concerned over vindictive triumphalism over that verdict, which turned into hostility against Muslims.

It was yet the cattle grazing in a field close to the school that a team of far-right cow protection vigilantes, in an attempt to prevent cow-slaughter animals, caught the oxen on June 15. Arguments ensued. Police seized the oxen while pondering that they could have been cows. These were not, and the cattle were let out later.

Two injured Muslims were shifted to Medak Orthopaedic Hospital from the spot, but the mob also trailed. Dr Surender Reddy was attending to them in the hospital when loud noises and stones were suddenly pelting outside. Scared to death, Reddy’s employees began to beg those inside the hospital who were related to the wounded not to lose their tempers. But, this was in vain. Because of this, the relatives of the injured Muslims went outside and attempted to confront the mob, which proceeded to damage properties on the hospital compound, including Reddy’s newly bought car.

I have never witnessed something like this because at least hospitals are not attacked by mobs’, Reddy said to Al Jazeera. “It was just horrific.” shattered glass and trolleys scattered around the bloodstained floor were seen when the workers reopened the hospital three days after the tragedy; as for the changes, I have noticed that the hospital remains open for several hours during the day only.

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