Palestine & Israel Conflict

Netanyahu says he will confront any sanctions on Israeli military units

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz about “Israel’s security” without mentioning the expected sanctions on the “Netzah Yehuda” battalion. 

Israeli Prime Minister said that he would oppose any sanctions imposed on any Israeli military unit after media reported that Washington intended to take such a decision against a unit due to its alleged human rights violations. 

On Saturday, Washington intends to impose sanctions on the Israeli Netzah Yehuda unit that is carrying out operations in the occupied West Bank. Still, the Israeli army said it was not aware of this matter.

The US State Department said that Blinken spoke with Gantz and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant about Israel’s security, efforts to ensure that the scope of the conflict in Gaza does not expand, and the need for an immediate ceasefire and increased flow of humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. The US statements did not refer to sanctions.

The ministry did not give details of the discussion of expected sanctions on the Netzah Yehuda Brigade, although Gantz said he spoke extensively with Blinken about this issue.

Gantz said that imposing such sanctions is a mistake because they would harm Israel’s legitimacy in times of war and described them as unjustified because Israel has an independent judiciary and an army that abides by international law. 

Regarding accusations, Blinken offered some suggestions. He said that Israel violated a set of US laws that prohibit providing military aid to individuals of the security forces that commit serious human rights violations. 

He pointed out that imposing US sanctions on an Israeli army unit is a dangerous precedent, stressing that he will work to obstruct the decision.

American sources reported that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken might announce sanctions against an extremist Israeli military unit due to its human rights violations in the West Bank.

ProPublica, which specializes in investigative journalism, reported last week that a special committee affiliated with the US State Department known as the Leahy Audit Committee had made a recommendation to Blinken months ago that several Israeli army and police units would not be eligible to receive US aid due to accusations of human rights violations.

Washington provides annual military aid worth $3.8 billion to Israel, which has faced widespread criticism for the Biden administration’s consistent support for Israel.

By commenting on it, Israel’s prime minister described the potential sanctions as “moral decadence and the height of absurdity” and pledged to take action to prevent such a move.

Netzah Yehuda” is an Israeli military unit stationed in the West Bank and has become a destination for right-wing extremist settlers who have not been accepted into any other combat unit in the Israeli army.

The Leahy Acts, authored by US Senator Patrick Leahy in the late 1990s, prohibit military assistance to individuals or security force units who commit serious human rights violations.

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