Palestine & Israel Conflict

Palestinian ministry warns of rising Israeli incitement against Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Palestine Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs has on Thursday sounded an alert over Israelis calls to convey negative messages towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the third holiest site in Islam. The ministry reacted to the video of an Israeli ultra-Orthodox group called ‘Temple Mount Activists,’ which portrayed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock burning soon with captions.

As to the situation of threats to Islamic holy places, the ministry stressed that hatred and threats in this respect are now more evident than ever. It also pointed out that these threats, based on myths and lies, are increasingly being stated explicitly.

They noted the political and security support for these actions from the Israeli government and its security agencies – which shield these zealots during their routine breaches of the Al-Aqsa compound.

The ministry urged the international community to act to prevent the growing provocations stemming from the Israeli government. It also encouraged the people of Jerusalem to be awake and present at the mosque 24/7 since they regarded the mosque to be a target for extreme groups.

On Tuesday, the ministry pointed out that Israeli settlers forced their way into Al-Aqsa Mosque 21 times in August. Introducing the video posted by the “Temple Mount Activists.” In it, a large fire by the Dome of the Rock is depicted with captions looking toward victory in an upcoming battle. 

The group wants the construction of a temple on the site of Al-Aqsa and encourages frequent attacks by radicals. At times, some ministers from Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, attended the mosque, although the step was widely condemned worldwide.

In August, Ben-Gvir demanded people of the Jewish faith be permitted to pray in the Al-Aqsa compound and build a temple in the yards. Recently, nationalist Israeli groups have some of its members performing prayer and other sectarian activities at the mosque.

Palestinian authorities complain of stepped-up attempts by Israel at Judaizing occupied East Jerusalem and obliterating its Arab and Islamic character. At the same time, Israel continues to assert its demand that East Jerusalem be the capital of the Palestinian state it seeks. Daily violations of the rights of Palestinian worshipers by Israelis are committed in Al-Aqsa by literal groups who are looking forward to razing down the mosque to construct a temple.

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