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Privileges of Muslim Women being mitigated by the Modern day Feminism

Throughout history, in various and most regions of the world women have been treated
in ways that the present woman cannot even imagine being treated. They were used for
slavery for giving birth and they had no self identity. Women never got their part in
inheritance neither did they get the opportunities to work or better themselves. Widowed
women were often just considered dead along with their husbands; they were not
usually allowed to remarry. In the era of patriarchy a woman was considered just as
worthy as her man. And thus, the basic and the only reason for a woman’s existence
was to find a worthy man.
Nowadays when genders are considered to be a person’s own choice and there are so
many genders that neither biology nor lslam defined in most cultures, Islam has given
women their own identity. Not only has Islam given an identity but also a part in
inheritance, a right to work and way more respect to women than any other religion or
culture in the world. Women are considered to be the carriers of the next generation so
any culture where women are respected and empowered can lead to a healthier
Previously, women were objectified and their basic cause of existence was to serve
men sexually as well as domestically.
Talking about the rights that Islam gave women, breaking the notions of the days of
ignorance, Women were given the legal rights, the right to choose their partner, the right
to stand up against domestic and marital violence.

Feminism roots back in the middle of the 19th century when men and women rallied to
get equal rights for women. In the era of patriarchy, feminist movement was justified and
needed. But modern day feminism is more like, getting off-point. The concept of
feminism has changed drastically over years. We are supposed to empower women by
keeping their value intact. That is not what is happening in modern feminism. To be
specific, women are fighting for being able to show nudity?
We still could not root out the domestic violence and lack of education of women in
lower middle class and lower class societies. And those should be the matter of the
Being liberal is one thing, but in an Islamic setup, when you are getting all the Islamic
privileges, protesting against Islamic teachings is not very wise. It is breaking the
connection with our roots. And our roots are what made women important. The Muslim
women don’t even need to fight for their rights if they are given the rights given by Islam.

The Prophet (PBUH) talked about women on His death bed. He (PBUH) said,

“Fear Allah in the matter of women”.

Almighty Allah revealed a whole surah called Surah An-Nisa (meaning: women) that
talks about women
The goal is to create a society defined by Islam and not the one desired by people.
Exactly the point where the Muslim women of modern day are not right for getting out
on the streets with senseless slogans of feminism. The goal is to provide a safe, secure,
rightful and favorable environment to women and not to make them go back to being the
objects of amusement and pleasure.

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