
Russia vetoes UN vote on stopping arms race in outer space

Thirteen votes were cast to favour this resolution presented by Japan and the United States, while China was absent from the referendum. 

The resolution said that all members of the United Nations, especially countries with advanced space technology, should play an active role in the peaceful use of outer space and the prevention of the arms race there.

In addition, it urged all countries to refrain from all actions inconsistent with these objectives and existing agreements to maintain international peace and security and enhance cooperation in this regard.

China and Russia rejected the amendment:

Russia has vetoed a draft resolution at the UN Security Council that would have condemned last week’s alleged chemical attack and called on the Syrian government to cooperate with investigators. The resolution was presented by the United States, Britain, and France, who expressed their displeasure over Russia’s veto. 

This is the eighth time Russia has saved its ally Syria in the Security Council. It should be noted that on April 4, more than 80 people were killed in an alleged chemical weapons attack in the rebel-held area of ​​Sheikhoun in Syria. The Western coalition blamed the suspected attack on the Syrian government, and US President Donald Trump had authorised a missile strike on the air base from which the chemical weapons attack was launched. 

A draft resolution submitted to the Security Council supported an investigation by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The resolution would have required the Syrian government to provide military information, including flight timetables for warplanes and access to air bases.

It should be noted that the Syrian government denies the use of chemical weapons. Apart from China, among the five permanent members of the Security Council, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan did not participate in the voting. In the Security Council, ten countries voted in favour of the resolution, while Russia and Bolivia voted against the resolution. 

After Russia vetoed the draft, Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, condemned Russia, saying, “Every time Assad’s plane drops a bomb on civilians, and every time Assad starves a citizen, Russia makes itself a global threat.” Is doing isolation in the community. 

In a press conference with the Secretary General of NATO, when President Trump was asked if it is possible in his opinion that Syria has not informed Russia about chemical weapons, President Trump said in response, “I think this is exactly the case.” It is possible. But I wish it would not be so. He added: ‘I would like to think they wouldn’t know, but of course they didn’t see because they were there. President Trump said it was a good thing China did not participate in the vote. Just this week, G7 member states disagreed on imposing new sanctions on Russia regarding the Syrian conflict. In the meeting held in Italy on Tuesday, the member countries seemed to agree that the solution to the Syrian conflict is not possible if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad remains in power, but the sanctions against Russia and senior military personnel of Syria by the United Kingdom. We could not agree on the proposal to be imposed.

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