Palestine & Israel Conflict

Silence After Strikes maybe a Calculated Pause in the Israel-Iran Standoff

Israel has been fearlessly assaulting Syria, Lebanon, and Iran for a long time. In that case, the victor stays in place. It was anticipated that Benjamin Netanyahu’s radical war cabinet would attack Iran on a large scale following the bombing on April 13. However, even discerning analysts are characterizing Israel’s April 19 counteroffensive against Iran as more of a show than a display of might. This drone attack, which took place between Friday and Saturday night in central Iran’s Isfahan, did not result in any casualties or destruction of property.

Following this strike, silence was maintained for several hours by the US, Israel, and Iran. Although Iran’s two leading news organizations, FARS and IRNA, remained silent on Saturday, media watchers reported that the strike had occurred, albeit it was unclear who had deployed the drones. The same day, videos of various parts of Isfahan City were broadcast by Iran’s private news station, which claimed that daily life continued as usual. Every observer weighing in on the matter concurred that neither side in this conflict wants to see tensions rise.

Iran must be prepared to respond forcefully to any assault going forward. The Israeli media has reacted to this topic in several ways, one of which is that we believe it is not necessary to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities right now. Still, a message was sent by launching drones and missiles close to the nuclear plant in Isfahan.

 Pro-Israel media figures abound in the United States, with many of them connected to influential publications such as CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post.

In a post published on April 19, Washington Post analyst David Ignatius stated that “one way to end a crisis is to shut up, and this is what Israel, Iran, and the United States have done very skillfully.” The columnist described Israel’s innocuous attack on Isfahan as a calculated move, stating that, up to this point, Israel had successfully attacked Iran and could do so once again if it so wished. However, he will not do so now since he has given up on his previous Deterrence Domination Policy. However, they wanted Israel to refrain from unleashing a significant counterattack after taking out over 300 drones and missiles.

David Ignatius has written that, according to his opinion, Israel is behaving like the leader of a regional coalition against Iran. According to the columnist, by carrying out a minor attack on April 19, Israel has assured allies like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, America, Great Britain, and France that it will not harm their interests. 

According to a blog, Netanyahu has assured Biden that he will not stand in the way of any Western organization bringing aid to Gaza. This breaking news will be confirmed in the next few days. Since the interests of the whole world are connected with the Middle East, it is seen that Israel will not be given free leave to destroy world peace.

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