Food & Health

Smoking may lead to more belly fat in smokers than in non-smokers

A new study has revealed that we can face the problems of fat in the stomach due to smoking. Especially the type of smoke that is interconnected with greater risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and dementia. 

By collecting the results of more than 1 million people, researchers from the University of Copenhagen looked at whether people who smoked cigarettes had a different type of body fat as compared to non-smokers. Researchers analyzed that there is a difference between the people who smoked juice as compared to non-smokers who didn’t.

Research has found a relationship between cigarette smoking and increased abdominal fat. This type of fat is visceral fat that accumulates around the organs in the abdomen according to the research and it can even be hard to face. This fat is present in unhealthy amounts and can increase the risk of serious diseases if a person has a spotty stomach.

Dr. German Carasquila, lead author of the study said that smoking is interconnected with abdominal fat which does not depend on other factors such as socioeconomic status, alcohol consumption, or ADHD.

To reduce the incidence of several chronic diseases, efforts to discourage smoking are crucial for public health efforts, especially in the case of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases according to research.

The way it interacts with our body functions makes it riskable, Carrasquilla said in an email. This kind of fat is strongly interconnected with our heart disease like we can face type 2 diabetes and other metabolic conditions.

A statistical analysis has been conducted by a team of researchers called Mendelian randomization which utilizes genetic differences to study how behaviors lead to health benefits.

Naveed Sattar said that although it provides strong evidence that smoking and increased abdominal fat have a casual relationship it is not quite conclusive.

Dr.Andrew Freeman director of cardiovascular prevention added that there could be complicating elements that develop the link between smoking and belly fat.

He further added that bad habits lead to travel together and he was not involved in the research. He said people may use a pack of cigarettes alongside a beer when they are stressed.

Carrasquilla said whether stopping smoking can reverse the development of abdominal fat is a big question that stays behind. He said it doesn’t mean that smokers should feel embarrassed to start their quitting destination.

Freeman added: Outside of cigarettes, breathing in marijuana, air pollution and cooking smoke has been associated with an increase in cardiovascular and lung disease. He said we should stay away from any inhaled substance.

Exercise is not only a good habit in this case but it’s the first step to saying goodbye to smoking. We should do 30 minutes of breathless activity. It is really important. He said.

I could cover you from head to toe if you don’t want to quit smoking, said Farmed and then provide you with your body-weight drugs to help you quit smoking but you still would not quit.

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