
Surge in Anti-Muslim Sentiment in America: A Troubling Trend

The Brookings Institution conducted a poll recently, and the results indicated that negative perception toward Muslims has increased hugely and is even higher than people of any other religion, race, or ethnic background. The survey reveals the fact that there has been an upswing in bias, especially among Democrats, a group that was against most of such sentiments when Trump was in office. This disturbing trend depicts a laser-like development in American society, and prejudices against Muslims and Islam are on the rise like never before. 

 This is well illustrated in a poll conducted by the Critical Issues Poll at the University of Maryland between July 26 and August 1, widely referred to as UMDCIP, which reveals the ever-shifting attitudes of Americans towards Islam and Muslims as well as other similar groups such as Jews. The findings are shocking, portraying that there are worsening attitudes towards Muslims, regardless of education level, political affiliation, and gender. 

 One of the most worrying findings is the fact that politically affiliated voters are likely to reject Muslim political aspirants. This bias is seen most evidently in the Republicans, but it also exists in the other groups as well. From the data presented, it can be derived that religious identity remains a highly salient factor in American politics today, with prejudice against Muslim candidates standing at par with prejudice against atheist candidates. 

The report also focuses on some of the recent statements by President Joe Biden, in particular concerning the hostilities in Israel and Gaza. Some authors state that the president’s attitude and comments influenced the process of dehumanization of the Muslim and Arab people, enhancing the existing prejudice. This is especially so given that the U. S. is preparing for the next election when such prejudices could shift the polls in the U.S. 

 The poll results depicted a very worrisome disintegration of the American social fabric, with xenophobia, particularly against Muslims, on the rise. Survey results revealed that the perception of Muslims was moderately positive, with 64% of the respondents having a positive attitude toward Muslims, more so compared to 86% of the respondents who portrayed pro-Jewish sentiment. Equally, 48% had a favorable attitude toward Islam, while 77% towards Judaism. Such statistics show an increasing polarity with anti-Muslim sentiment as a critical element of people’s political beliefs. 

 The survey was conducted on 1,510 American adults, including an oversample of the black and Hispanic populations of America, and the results that have been highlighted paint an ugly picture of American society as it is today. With yet another election year coming up in the United States, the increasing levels of bigotry, particularly towards Muslims, augur poorly for freedom and compassion in the US future. 

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