
Taliban celebrates 3rd anniversary of its return to power

BAGRAM, Afghanistan — Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers marked three years in power Wednesday with a military parade that included homemade bombs used in war, fighter jets, and goose-stepping security forces. The Taliban’s armed forces towed Soviet-era tanks and artillery pieces through the former US air base in Bagram, where Chinese and Iranian diplomats were among hundreds who attended the parade and speeches. The former Bagram base had served for two decades as the linchpin of US-led operations against the Taliban.

A convoy of motorbikes strapped with yellow jerry cans—frequently used to carry homemade bombs during the fight against international forces—also rumbled past assembled officials. There were US-made armored personnel carriers with the black-and-white flag of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan—the Taliban government’s formal name for the country—fluttering above them. Helicopters and jets flew overhead at the base, once a prison for Taliban fighters, about 40 kilometers north of Kabul.

The Taliban forces seized the capital on Aug 15, 2021, after the US-backed government collapsed and its leaders fled into exile. According to the Afghan calendar, the anniversary is marked one day ahead. And their government remains unrecognized by any other state, with restrictions on women—a prime sticking point against policies the United Nations has called “gender apartheid”—remaining in place.

Three years have passed, and girls’ dreams have been buried,” said Madina, a 20-year-old former university student in Kabul. It’s a very bitter feeling that every year, the celebration of this day reminds us of the efforts, memories, and goals we had for our future.”

The PM, Mohammad Hassan Akhund, who was supposed to address the gathering in Bagram, hailed victory over “Western occupiers” for the authorities of the Taliban during an address read out by his chief of staff. He said that the government of the Taliban has “the responsibility to maintain the Islamic rule, protect property, people’s lives, and the respect of our nation.”

The security of the Taliban regime has been priority No. 1 for the authorities as they have consolidated their power in the last three years, imposing laws based on their strict interpretation of Islam.

However, attacks by the militant Islamic State group remain a threat, and extra security was deployed in Kabul and the Taliban’s spiritual home of Kandahar ahead of the “day of victory. A parade of military vehicles and arms was in a convoy near the southern city. Helicopters buzzed over the Ghazi stadium of Kabul, where hundreds of men had assembled to watch speeches, athletics exhibitions, and performances of Taliban anthems.

Rugby player Samiullah Akmal said events on the day were better than other years. As a young man, I see Afghanistan’s future is bright. We are independent, and the people surrounding us are our own. The stadium was full of people from surrounding provinces. Noorullah Noori, Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs, said there was a “unity.” Whether they are members of the Islamic Emirate or not. They should thank God’s blessing and stand behind the Islamic Emirate.”

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