Palestine & Israel Conflict

The White House: Israel agreed to discuss Washington’s concerns before moving toward Rafah

Amid a demonstration in support of Palestine and denouncing the Zionist war of annihilation in front of the headquarters of the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington, US President Joe Biden delivered a speech in which he mocked himself and his opponent in the electoral race, Donald Trump, describing him as a “six-year-old child.”

The ceremony was organized by White House correspondents in light of the expansion of pro-Palestinian protests in American universities, with the deployment of riot police and the arrest of hundreds, according to an Agence France-Presse report.

A group of prominent guests, including journalists and celebrities, flocked to the Hilton Hotel in Washington, where about a hundred demonstrators gathered near the entrance, some of whom chanted slogans such as “Shame on you” at a time when the scope of pro-Palestinian protests expanded on American universities. With the deployment of riot police and the arrest of hundreds, according to a report by Agence France-Presse.

However, the war was not the focus of the talk, dominated by jokes about Joe Biden’s age and his occasional falls on the stairs of Air Force One. As is customary, the American President participates in this dinner, agreeing to be exposed to the jokes of a comedian celebrating the luxurious evening before giving a speech that is also not devoid of humor.

Jost said, “Let me begin by pointing out that it is past ten o’clock at night and sleepy Joe is still awake, while Donald Trump spent the week in court sleeping every morning,” referring to the billionaire’s trial in New York in the case of covering up the payment of money to a pornographic film actress. To buy her silence.

Biden (81 years old) did not miss this opportunity to mock his Republican opponent (77 years old), who was absent from this occasion during his presidential term, declaring that “age is the only thing that unites us.”

The American President stated, “We are in the midst of the 2024 elections, and yes, age is an essential issue in it,” noting, “I am an adult man competing with a six-year-old child.”

Aside from the fun atmosphere prevailing at the party, a demonstration was held in front of the hotel entrance to protest the war in Gaza, during which protesters carried banners and loudspeakers and hung a Palestinian flag extending meters from the top of the hotel to the bottom.

One of the groups organizing the demonstration, “Code Pink,” said that it wanted to “stop” the dinner in protest against the Biden government’s complicity in targeting and killing Palestinian journalists at the hands of the Israeli army,” explaining that this move is “non-violent.” For months. Every time Joe Biden moves somewhere, demonstrators have gathered to protest the support of the American President, whom they call “the genocidal Joe,” for Israel and to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

In an open letter, many Palestinian journalists who called for a boycott of this annual event wrote, “You bear a special responsibility to tell the truth to the powerful and support journalistic integrity. It is unacceptable to remain silent, either out of fear or for reasons related to the profession, at a time when arrests continue. And the torture and killing of journalists in Gaza just because they were doing their job.

The Committee to Protect Journalists, based in New York, says that at least 97 journalists have been killed since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7, including 92 Palestinians. At least 16 others were injured.

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was organized in light of the expansion of pro-Palestinian protests in American universities, with the deployment of riot police and the arrest of hundreds. Last year, 2,600 invitees participated in the event held by the influential White House Correspondents Association, which included the distribution of prizes and grants to students majoring in journalism.

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