Food & Health

Try this delicious custard phallode recipe made with Tham Malinga for Iftar

In Ramadan, iftar is organized with pakoras, samosas, chaat and various dishes. But during the summer fasts one also craves something that is cool and comforting, helps to reduce the effect of intense heat and keep one fresh, so try this recipe of delicious custard phalloides made with Malinga seeds and make the family.

Here is the recipe for custard falooda:


  • Tham Malinga
  •   one teaspoon

For vermicelli:

  • Water – one cup
  • Cornflour-half cup
  • Water- one and a half cup
  • Sugar-one tablespoon
  • Cold water – as require
  • Milk – one liter

For the custard:

  • Vanilla custard powder- 4 tbsp and a cup of milk to mix it
  • Icing sugar- half a cup
  • Green cardamom powder- one quarter teaspoon

For the jelly:

  • Water – 2 cups
  • Strawberry Jelly Powder- One quarter cup
  • Water – 2 cups
  • Banana Jelly Powder- One quarter cup

For Faluda:

  • Chilled custard
  • Cool needles
  • Cool jellies
  • Soaked seeds
  • Chopped almonds and pistachios


  1. Soak the seeds in a bowl and add water.
  1. To make suyan, add water, cornflour and sugar in a pan and mix well.
  1. Now turn on the stove and mix continuously and cook on low flame till it thickens.
  1. Put this mixture in a suyan maker and make suyan and put it in cold water and keep it aside for 20 to 30 minutes.
  1. To make the custard, bring the milk and sugar to a boil in a pot, add the custard and cook on medium heat, then add the cardamom powder and cook until it thickens and let it cool.
  1. make strawberry jelly, put two cups of water in a pan and let it boil and then add strawberry jelly powder and mix it well and then put it in a vessel and let it cool.
  1. Now cut these two jellies into small cubes.
  1. Then pour both the jellies, seeds, custard and falooda seeds into the glass, sprinkle almonds, pistachios on the cross and serve cold custard falooda.

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