UK to pay failed asylum seekers to move toward Rwanda

To send asylum seekers UK to Rwanda, the government’s plan to send them to Rwanda has been hit, and Daralamaraa voted to delay the ratification of the agreement with Rwanda.

According to UK media reports, UK Prime Minister Rishi Snak’s opposition to the rebel members was costly, and the ruling party in Rwanda faced defeat.

Britain’s House of Commons has voted to delay Prime Minister Rashid Snak’s controversial plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda.

The resolution to delay Rwanda was approved by 214 votes to 171, but it was said that unless the government ensures that Rwanda is a safe country for asylum seekers, then the project will be delayed.

UK media say that the chamber does not have the option to block the so-called Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) indefinitely, but it can delay the legislation for a year.

The Conservative Party government in the UK has made an agreement with Rwanda under which asylum seekers will be housed thousands of miles from London in the East African country.

This decision of the government is criticized by politicians of the opposition party, and groups working on the rights of refugees, saying that “the decision is not human and it is harmful to people’s money”.

According to a report by the Associated Press, 28,000 immigrants entered Britain last year by small boats. This number was more than two thousand and eighty thousand. Many people lost their lives trying to reach Britain. Last November, 27 people were killed by the sinking of a ship.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson says that in this case, when human traffickers are exploiting vulnerable people and making the waterway a graveyard of water, measures such as the agreement with Rwanda were needed to stop this trend.

In a speech near the Channel Coast, the Prime Minister of Great Britain said that anyone who entered the United Kingdom illegally would be deported.

The government of Rwanda has said that the agreement with Britain is basically for five years, and Britain has paid 158 million dollars for the housing of refugees and their integration into society.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, Winston Biruta, said that the purpose of the agreement is to ensure that the refugees are safe, that their respect must be respected, and that they can be made capable if they want to stay in Rwanda independently.

He said that the country is home to three million refugees from Burundi, Congo, Libya, and Pakistan. human” is the term Although Rwanda is considered to be a safe country in the world, it is also true that the people living here are not happy.

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