Palestine & Israel Conflict

UN Security Council to vote on US resolution on ceasefire in Gaza

An immediate and sustainable ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides, allow the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance, and support diplomatic efforts to secure a ceasefire and release all prisoners.

The United States submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council calling for a vote on a resolution for an “immediate and sustainable” ceasefire in Gaza, and it also included a call to facilitate the transit of aid and the release of hostages in Gaza, in addition to emphasizing the importance of the two-state solution.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced, in his exclusive interview with Arab media, that the United States had submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council calling for an “immediate ceasefire linked to the release of the hostages” in the Gaza Strip. He said: “We have already submitted a draft resolution, which is now before the Security Council, and it calls for an immediate ceasefire linked to the release of the hostages, and we very much hope that it will receive support from countries.” He expressed his belief that this project “will send a strong message, with a strong indicator.”

Yesterday, (Thursday), Blinken also called on all countries to support “the American draft resolution in the Security Council for a ceasefire in Gaza ,” during his speech in a press conference with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, after his meeting with the foreign ministers of Arab countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Emirates, and Qatar.

Before the meeting, the five ministers, along with a representative of the Palestinian Authority, issued a joint statement in which they stressed “the priority of achieving a comprehensive and immediate ceasefire, increasing the access of humanitarian aid, and opening all crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip.”

Provisions of the American draft resolution on Gaza:

According to what was reported by American media, the draft resolution on Gaza includes:

*An immediate and sustainable ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides, allow the delivery of essential humanitarian aid, alleviate human suffering, and support diplomatic efforts to secure a ceasefire and release all hostages.

*Intensifying diplomatic efforts aimed at creating conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities and achieving lasting peace in line with Resolution 2720.

* Require all parties to comply with obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, with regard to the protection of civilians and civilian objects, the delivery of humanitarian aid, and the protection of relief organizations, medical services and infrastructure.

* Emphasizing the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian aid to civilians in the entire Gaza Strip, and to remove all barriers to providing humanitarian assistance on a large scale.

*Rejecting any forced displacement of the civilian population in Gaza and violating international law and international humanitarian law.

* Repeatedly demanding Hamas and other armed groups to deliver aid to all remaining hostages.

* Require all parties to comply with their international obligations with respect to all persons they detain, and to respect the dignity and human rights of all detained individuals.

* Urging all member states to intensify their efforts to stop the financing of terrorism, and to restrict the financing of Hamas in accordance with international law.

*Requests the Secretary-General to designate a Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and other officials and to provide the necessary resources and support to expedite the establishment of a United Nations mechanism to accelerate and simplify the provision of aid and ensure its access to civilian actors.

* Requesting the parties to the conflict to cooperate with United Nations efforts on the ground to expand the scope of aid provision and ensure unhindered, sustainable flow through all available routes, and through crossing points such as the Kerem Shalom border crossing, and to cooperate to open additional crossings and a sea corridor.

*Conduct a rapid assessment of damages and needs in northern Gaza, in order to coordinate reconstruction efforts through the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator in cooperation with the World Bank and the European Union.

*Emphasizing the need to respect and protect hospitals, medical facilities, their workers, and means of transportation by all parties in accordance with international humanitarian law.

*Allowing the provision of necessary equipment to staff of the United Nations and associated agencies, including satellite telephones, communications equipment, armored vehicles and other items essential for their safety.

* Emphasizing the key role of all UN humanitarian agencies in providing aid, and welcoming the Secretary-General’s decision to conduct an investigation into accusations that some UN and UNRWA employees participated in the October 7 attacks.

*Reject measures that lead to reducing the area of ​​the Gaza Strip, including the establishment of buffer zones, or any destruction of civilian infrastructure.

* Condemning calls by government ministers to establish settlements in Gaza, and rejecting any attempt at demographic or territorial change in Gaza.

* Emphasizing the importance of preventing the conflict from spreading to the region, and calling on everyone to exercise the utmost self-restraint.

*Condemn the attacks carried out by the Houthis on ships in the Red Sea and demand their immediate cessation.

*Emphasizing that lasting peace can only be based on a permanent commitment to mutual recognition, full respect for human rights, and freedom from violence or incitement to it.

* Renewing the firm commitment to the vision of a two-state solution, in which two democratic states, and Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within safe and recognized borders, in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions, and emphasizing the unification of the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian.

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