
Unraveling the Mystery: Why the Britains drive on the left side and Americans on the right

If you have been on the roads in the UK, probably wondered why they drive on the left side of the road even though Americans drive on the right side. It’s not the people of the UK alone, about 35% of the population of the world does the same.
Besides the normal reasons there are also some logical, historical reasons for it. In the 18th century, there was a Reign of terror when swordsmen used to travel by horses. Their means of travel was four legs instead of four wheels. And their swords used to be in their right hand. They used to stay on the left side to make their right hand closer to their opponent. Also the rich and upper class could ride at the left whereas the lower class were ordered to stay at the right.
There were few to none wagons in the UK. And Napoleon Bonaparte’s Parade on his horses with his men, also served as a reason for the left side trend.
There were fewer industrial-sized wagons in Britain, and more small carriages and individual horse riders. Horse riders preferred to stay to the left to keep their right hands toward oncoming traffic for greetings and, if needed, fighting. Whereas in America, the primary source of people to travel were wagons.
In the UK, horses and carriages were the primary. The men on horses, if not for the sword, traveled on the left side for greetings.
Even though the wagons in America were also pulled by horses, the wagon drivers could just sit on the lazy board at the side of the wagon or on the horses. Their controls were towards the left side of the wagon. And if needed the drivers had to pull the levers and ropes. Whatever the case, the drivers had to be in the middle of the wagon and the wagon towards the right.
Americans had a lot of trade going on with Lancaster, Pennsylvania and Phildephilia. So the rules of trade with these countries also said that all traffic had to stay to the right of the road.
That’s also when the first major highway of America was created.
There is one more weird thing, most of the rest of Europe, other than Britain, drives on the right, like Americans do.
There also are some serious hazards involved with the switching of sides. There have been serious crashes. It is recommended for the drivers to take extra caution while driving. Keeping their radio and cell phones off for example.
While driving you should be on the tight left or far right according to William Van Tassel, head of driving training.
All of the vehicles in the UK are handed over with the sticker of ‘ ‘Drive on the left’. And in some cases wristbands for the left hand are also given and advised to wear to the drivers. This serves as a reminder of keeping left while driving.

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