Palestine & Israel Conflict

US Boycotts UN Tribute to Late Iranian President over Human Rights Violation

 Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi was invited to the U.N. this week to commemorate the International Day. Still, the U. S. boycotted it because of its link with severe human rights abuses. The U. S criticised the U.N. for celebrating Raisi and demanded it stand with the Iranian people. 

 A probable successor to the Supreme Leader of Iran, which is the hardliner Raisi, died on May 19 in a helicopter crash due to bad weather near the border with Azerbaijan. 

 Continuing an earlier convention, the U.N. General Assembly, consisting of 193 members, met to honour Raisi, a head of state who had passed away. The meeting lasted 50 minutes and included statements from the countries’ representatives and regional groups. 

 ”It is for this reason that the United States will not be attending today’s United Nations tribute event for President Raisi in any capacity, and here is why stated Nate Evans, spokesperson for the U. S. mission to the U. N,” Raisi was directly implicated in numerous horrific human rights abuses, thousands of political prisoners were executed in 1988 some of the worst human rights abuses were committed during his term of office. 

 Raisi was a prosecutor in Tehran in 1988 when he was a member of a special commission that ordered the executions of hundreds of political prisoners at the end of the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq, observers on human rights abuses said. 

 Iran’s U.N. mission in New York refused to comment on the U.S. move to boycott the tribute. 

 As briefly said by the U.N. Secretary-General recently, Mr Antonio Guterres, while accepting Raisi as Iran’s new president, when noted that Raisi was taking over the helm of Iran at a delicate time for the Islamic Republic and the international community. “The United Nations is with the Iranian people and in their demand for their rights to end wars, build and establish sustainable peace, and enjoy fundamental freedoms,” said Guterres. 

The circumstances of the tragedy that claimed the lives of Iran’s President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi and Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian is the country’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Amir Saeid Iravani remembered the excellent services provided by the deceased. “They were not only political and religious leaders but the power of good governance and diplomacy and hope and resilience at every level,” Iravani said at the General Assembly. ”We continue to uphold the values of peace, Security, Justice, and multilateralism that they so cherish,” 

 The US boycott also demonstrates the controversy surrounding Raisi, and there are still many more issues globally regarding the violation of Iran’s human rights. Whereas the United Nations General Assembly appreciated Raisi’s status as an international leader, the American position underscored the need to speak for and support victims of human rights violations. 

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