Palestine & Israel Conflict

What does America’s non-participation in the Gaza ceasefire resolution say about its relationship with Israel

For weeks, the patience of US President Joe Biden and senior officials in his administration has been strained by Israel’s style of fighting in Gaza. The recent passage of a Security Council resolution regarding a cease-fire in Gaza shows that President Biden has decided that tough words alone will not fix the issue. 

The US has lifted a diplomatic shield over the ongoing war in Gaza, a major step forward. The movie shows the depth of the rift between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the White House. 

 President Biden is very fond of Israel and calls himself a Zionist, and he not only provided emotional support to the Israeli people after the October 7 attacks on Israel but also provided military and diplomatic support to the government.

 In the devastating early weeks of the war, President Biden warned Israel not to be blinded by anger and not to react to the October 7 attack the way America did after the September 11, 2001 attacks. 

The US President visited Israel. He consoled and expressed his condolences to the families affected by the attacks by Hamas. President Biden and his Secretary of State Anthony Blanken have visited Israel six times since October 7 and have repeatedly told Israel to respect international human rights. 

Concerns about the destruction of Gaza, the famine looming over Palestinian civilians, and many more deaths in the Rafah area in southern Gaza seemed to be enough for President Biden to reject his proposals.

But evidence has piled up that Israel is not telling the truth, that children are starving and there are large food reserves just miles away in Israel and Egypt. The United States and the rest of the world can look at the evidence presented by the United Nations and aid agencies that Gaza is on the brink of famine. Only allows logistics. Ashdod is a modern container terminal located just half an hour north of Gaza. 

The reason for the US decision not to veto the ceasefire resolution is to refute the accusations that Israel is doing everything on the American side. The development comes as Prime Minister Netanyahu rejected the Biden administration’s plan to end the worst Middle East crisis in a long time. The US administration is trying to convey that there are limits to Israel’s immunity from international pressure. 

Security Council resolutions are generally considered to have the force of international law. Israel must now decide whether it will honor the resolution, which was welcomed by Hamas as well as the Palestinian representative to the United Nations. Netanyahu’s coalition government relies on the support of Jewish extremists. All those allies will urge him to ignore the resolution. 

If they do, then America will have to respond. If words don’t work, then President Biden could effectively cut off air-borne weapons supplies to Israel. Currently, dozens of ships full of weapons are heading to Israel and the same weapons are being used by Israel in the current war. Israel will also be in desperate need of weapons for its plans to expand its ground war to Rafah. 

This crisis arises when Israel goes against the wishes of American presidents and does not care about American interests. This is not the first time that Netanyahu has angered the US administration sitting in the White House.

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