
Who are the 14 richest people in the world and why is their wealth constantly increasing?

Last year’s Forbes list of the richest people included only six people who individually had more than $100 billion in assets and wealth. But in this year’s Forbes list of the world’s richest people published on Tuesday, there are 14 people who have joined the 100 billion dollar club by increasing their wealth. Last year, Carlos Slim, the richest man in Latin America from Mexico, could not be included in the list of 100 billion dollars of the richest people, as his total wealth at that time was 93,000 million dollars. However, this year he has managed to join the club. A wealth of 100 billion dollars can be estimated from the fact that this wealth is greater than the size of the gross national product (GDP) of many countries in the world (that is, the value of all the goods and services that a person produces). creates a nation.). Today, this group of elites is richer than ever, with a combined net worth of more than $14.2 trillion. According to Forbes, the details about the 14 richest people in the world who are included in the 100 billion dollars club are listed below.

Bernard Arnault (France):

Bernard Arnault from France is the richest person in the world for the second year in a row. His wealth increased by ten percent during 2023 and this is due to a bumper year for his luxury brands Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, and Sephora. He is the owner of these luxury brands of the world.

Elon Musk (USA):

Elon Musk from America is second in this list. He sometimes topped the rankings and sometimes came second due to changes in the value of his technology company Tesla, SpaceX and social media platform Twitter. But currently he is the second richest person in the world.

Jeff Bezos (USA):

Jeff Bezos has become richer this year thanks to the spectacular increase in the value of his company Amazon’s shares, and he is the third richest person in the world.

Mark Zuckerberg (USA):

It’s also been a stellar year for the executive director of tech company Meta, as the social media platform’s shares have nearly tripled in value over the past year, after falling 75% from their 2021 highs. 

Larry Ellison (USA):

Shares in his technology company Oracle rose more than 30 percent last year, adding to his net worth.Although he has stepped down as the company’s CEO, Ellison is still He is the company’s president, chief technology officer and its largest shareholder.

Warren Buffett (USA):

Considered one of the world’s most successful investors, Buffett owns Berkshire Hathaway. The group includes dozens of companies, including insurance company GICO, cell and battery maker Dura Cell and restaurant chain Dairy Queen.

Bill Gates (USA):

Co-founder of the Microsoft company from 1995 to 2017, he has been the richest person in the world for 18 of the 23 years.

Steve Ballmer (USA):

Ballmer purchased the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team of the NBA (National Basketball Association), whose value has increased in recent years. Today it is the fifth most expensive team in the NBA.

Mukesh Ambani (India):

Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani’s wealth has increased this year due to a sharp increase in the value of the shares of his business group Reliance Industries. His company provides petrochemicals, oil and gas, telecommunications, retail and financial services.

Larry Page (USA):

Larry Page, co-founder and board member of Google’s parent company Alphabet, has a net worth of $114 billion. Along with Sergey Brin, he remains the largest individual shareholder of the technology company.

Sergey Brin (Russia):

Alphabet co-founder and board member Byrne stepped down as the company’s president in December 2019, but remains a majority shareholder in the company along with Larry Page.

Michael Bloomberg:

The co-founder of financial information and media company Bloomberg LP has an estimated net worth of $106 billion. He currently owns 88 percent of his business. 

Amancio Ortega (Spain):

His wealth increased last year thanks to a 43 percent increase in his stake in clothing company Inditex. This company manages the Zara brand chain. Its real estate portfolio mainly includes logistics, residential and office properties in Europe and the US.

Carlos Slim (Mexico):

He was once the richest man in the world and is still the richest man in Latin America. His wealth has grown in the past year thanks to the appreciation of Mexico’s currency and a 60 percent rise in the value of shares in his industrial group Grupo Carso.

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