
Why does God want us to worship Him?

What is the benefit to God if we worship God? And if there is any benefit, then God becomes dependent on us. Why is every commandment of God centered on Himself?

“A person’s faith in God is only as strong as their trust in His plan.”

 You will find a lot of such questions that are asked by Mullah. There are two aspects to this type of question. One is its moral aspect. It is not morally good to focus praise, worship, and glory on ourselves. The second is curiosity as to why God wants us to do all this. Does it benefit God? 

And if there is, then God is dependent on us and if there is no benefit, then all this is useless. It is considered undesirable for a human being to want his own glory, admiration, praise, and worship. 

  • The qualities found in man are not permanent and eternal.
  •  Man is unable to see the qualities of others due to keeping an eye on his own qualities.
  • In his arrogance, he abuses others and destroys their rights.
  •  The qualities found in a person are not his own. His family and society also take part in his promotion. And since man has been created by God as an individual and as a society, God is the original creator of these qualities.
  • Man has weaknesses along with virtues and when he only looks at his virtues, his weaknesses are not visible to him, due to which he remains a victim of self-deception.

It is obvious that God is All-Knowing and the Creator of all creation. God is the creator of everything appreciable. Then God deserves to be praised. One of the names of God is al-Mutakbar. Arrogance is not worthy of creation, but it is right that God is the greatest and it is right that we describe the greatness of the creator of the universe. 

The basis of the sense of self-admiration and arrogance in humans is that we call it God. and therefore when a person adopts such a behavior, it is said that he is trying to become God. There is a huge contradiction. When God is God Himself, He is God.

A brother said that according to tradition, God is pleased when a person prays to God. It turns out that God is like an arrogant king, that the king is happy when people grovel before him like beggars. 

He said that if the matter is of the same nature, then it only beautifies God, because pride adorns him. Is it good for a servant to be happy by asking for alms from other servants like him? So what is bad for the servants is not necessarily bad for God. 

God created the entire universe and every particle of the universe is running by God’s order. So can we say that God needs the universe for His sovereignty? However, this entire universe is dependent on God for its existence. To ask such a question is like saying that, since God created the universe, angels, humans, and other creatures express his attribute of creativity. Because God needs His creatures to express His creativity.

A simple epistemological example is that if you don’t know something, you will be surprised to find out and thus it will have an effect, but if you already know, it will not have an effect. And existentially and truly God is Akbar. It is not that God becomes greater by our saying Allahu Akbar or becomes smaller by not saying it. Whether we say it or does not affect His greatness.

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