Palestine & Israel ConflictWorld

The cry of humanity in Palestine

Palestine is called the ‘Land of the Prophets’ and Al-Quds is its capital. The first Qibla “Bayt al-Maqdis Al-Aqsa Mosque” is the third holiest place of Muslims after Mecca and Medina. In the Holy Quran, Almighty says:

Translation: “Praise be to the One who took His servant (Muhammadﷺ) in one night from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, that around whom We have blessed to show him the signs of Our power. Verily, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” (Al-Asr)

On October 7, 2023, when Palestinian paragliders descended on the occupying Zionists, but the struggle, the beginning actually took place in 1917 when the British government announced the establishment of the Zionist homeland according to the Balfour Treaty. In 1948, the world powers began to settle the Jews in Palestine under a heinous conspiracy and then it has come to the point that today the lives of Palestinian Muslims have been made difficult on the land of Palestine and the Jews have established their illegal government with the tactics of cruelty and brutality.

The Palestine conflict has been going on for a century. The Palestinian Muslims, who sheltered the wandering Jews out of pity, today they are the ones who have resorted to murder.

Israeli aggression will not be limited to Gaza, according to the map of Greater Israel in the Israeli Parliament, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Alexandria of Turkey, Sinai from Egypt, Delta region, Upper from Saudi Arabia. Najd and Hijaz, which includes Madinah.

If these dangerous ambitions are to be stopped then the Muslims have to unite and prepare a plan of action.

However, at this time, as Israel is brutally bombarding innocent civilians, settlements and even hospitals, thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children, have been martyred, and the arrangement to meet the substantial needs of the wounded has become inadequate. Along with the five prayers, the sixth prayer, Janaza, is being offered. In hospitals, doctors are now forced to operate on patients without anesthesia. The Israeli government has cut off water and electricity supplies. Deadly chemical weapons, constant bomb blasts, scenes of death of loved ones have had a very bad effect on the psyche of young children.

Thousands of Muslims are imprisoned in Israeli prisons – electricity supply is suspended in Gaza, drinking water is not available. Gaza is called the world’s largest open-air prison. It is the fifth month since the war started. The food crisis has also become an emergency. According to UNICEF, children in Gaza urgently need a humanitarian ceasefire.

The overall situation of the Muslim Ummah requires careful consideration. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has rightly said that if we lost Jerusalem, then we will also lose Makkah and Madinah. Israel’s operation is called “Iron Sword” and it is targeting civilian populations in violation of all international laws of war.

According to experts, the number of explosives has been dropped on Gaza so far, it is more than the Great War. The way in which Israel has indiscriminately bombarded the civilian population, hospitals, and even the volunteers and journalists working under the United Nations, is undoubtedly no less than the Holocaust. Genocide of Palestinian Muslims is being carried out in front of the whole world.

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